If AquaScan indicates hard water, what are the solutions for reducing hardness?
AquaScan measures the total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water in parts per million (PPM) to provide an indication of water hardness.
The higher the reading the more likely limescale will build up on pipes and appliances in the home. Limescale build-up restricts flow and increases the amount of energy required to heat water in appliances such as kettles, boilers, washing machines and dishwashers.
Source: Drinking Water Inspectorate “Hardness of Water”
Hard water (high limescale content) can be treated with products such as Salamander Pumps’ range of water conditioners.
In general applications where the flow rate is known to be low or there is relatively heavy scale build-up inside the pipe already, a conditioner one size smaller than the pipe diameter is recommended. Therefore, it is important for the installer to check the flow rate entering the property.