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Looking for information and support in relation to your AccuBoost accumulator vessel?

We have a selection of FAQs, videos and articles below to help with your query.


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What accessories are supplied with AccuBoost?

The AccuBoost is supplied as a ready to install unit. It is supplied with an upstream kit which includes a double check valve, inline strainer and a pressure reducing valve.

What measures have been put in place to control legionella for the AccuBoost range?

Legionnaires’ disease is caused by legionella bacteria. The bacteria may grow when conditions are favourable, therefore it’s important to control the risk by introducing appropriate measures. More information can be found at Legionnaires’ disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems.

We offer a range of vessel sizes in our AccuBoost range so the capacity of the vessel should match the usage of the property, ensuring adequate replenishment of the water.

What water flow rate can I expect AccuBoost accumulators to deliver from an outlet?

It’s impossible to say what flow rate will be delivered from the outlet as aspects of the system, such as the size of pipe work and how restrictive the outlet is, will impact the flow rate delivered from the outlet.

See ‘What are the flow rates from each accumulator in an open-ended test?’ for the flow rates delivered directly from the accumulator, excluding system factors.

What are the flow rates from each accumulator in an open-ended test?

An open-ended test measures the flow rate delivered directly from the accumulator and excludes any aspects of the system which might impact the flow rate.

The table below shows the maximum additional flow rates, in litres per minute (L/min) of each AccuBoost accumulator.


AccuBoost 60L AccuBoost 120L AccuBoost 180L AccuBoost 330L AccuBoost 450L
4L/min 4L/min 6L/min 24L/min 24L/min

How can I adjust the flow rate from the accumulator?

A flow restrictor kit is available adapt the factory set flow rates. The flow restrictors will either:

Increase the flow, which will reduce the time AccuBoost will provide boosted water.
Decrease the flow, which will increase the time AccuBoost will provide boosted water.

In a system with a system pressure greater than 2.0 bar and a mains flow rate less than 12 lpm should a TankBoost or accumulator vessel be installed?

It is rare that a system would have these measurements. These results may be caused by a restrictive mains pipe, such as a lead main. In this circumstances contact Salamander Pumps for advice.

A restrictive outlet may also give these results. Therefore, when checking the flow rate, you should open multiple outlets to get the most accurate measure.

For example, turn on two taps and the shower so they are fully open. While all are turned on, measure the number of litres per minute you get from all three outlets. Then combine the results together, this tells us the flow rate coming into the property –

Outlet Flow rate (litres per minute)
Shower 6
Tap 1 2
Tap 2 2
Total flow rate 10

In this example the flow rate is still below 12 litres per minute, therefore TankBoost is required.

How much space is needed around an accumulator and pump?

At least 10cm of clear space is required around the tank and pump for maintenance access.

Can an AccuBoost accumulator be installed horizontally?

No. To prevent stagnant water and debris build up the accumulator vessel must be installed vertically.

Where can I install an accumulator?

An AccuBoost accumulator must be installed in a dry location, protected from temperatures below 4°C and greater than 35°C, such as a kitchen cupboard, garage, loft space or outbuilding.

Why is 8.6 bar the maximum system pressure allowed for an accumulator installation?

The vessel within the accumulator vessel is rated up to a maximum of 8.6 bar, therefore, to ensure safety and minimise damage a pressure limiting device must be installed, this is included with AccuBoost accumulators.

What is the maximum distance the accumulator tank can be away from the pump?

For the best performance we advise that the tank is installed as close as possible to the pump, which must be installed within 5m of the point of entry for the mains water,  however there is no maximum distance between the tank and pump.

Why is a non-return valve required in an accumulator installation?

An accumulator stores water at pressure. In an AccuBoost accumulator installation the water in the system is stored at the peak mains pressure.

A non-return valve (NRV) ensures that the built-up pressure in AccuBoost install is locked into the system. Without an NRV the system pressure would fluctuate with the mains pressure.

The NRV also prevents water in the system from flowing back into the mains supply.

How many litres of water is stored in each size AccuBoost accumulator vessel?

An AccuBoost accumulator stores both air and water within the vessel. The accumulator’s capacity is shared 50% air and 50% water, therefore a 450L accumulator will store approximately 226.5 litres of water.

The volume of water stored in the accumulator will vary depending on the pre-charge pressure held in the bladder of the vessel.

Can I install an AccuBoost accumulator vessel in a system with an incoming lead main?

An AccuBoost accumulator vessel can be installed in a system with an incoming mains pipe in any material.

If the system has a high pressure (over 2.0 bar) but has a restricted main, then AccuBoost accumulator may still offer a solution – contact us for more information.

A sign of a restricted mains supply pipe would be a high standing pressure and low flow rate.

Can multiple accumulator tanks be linked together in one installation?

Yes, more than one accumulator can be installed into a system. Installing multiple accumulator tanks creates a greater stored water capacity and a higher flow rate (L/min).

AccuBoost accumulator systems have no maximum stored water capacity, however, please ensure adequate water turnover to prevent water stagnation.

Why is a water flow rate of 12L/Min required for an AccuBoost accumulator installation?

In systems with a natural mains flow rate below 12L/min the water vessel will take a long time to fill, installing a pump will ensure that the vessel will be filled more quickly.

What is the pre-charge pressure of the vessel in an accumulator?

The pre-charge pressure is the air pressure stored within the bladder of the vessel. The air in the vessel is compressed by the water pressure, which pushes the extra volume of water out of the vessel. AccuBoost accumulators require that the pre-charge pressure is 1.5 bar less than the pressure of the incoming mains.

In AccuBoost accumulator installations, the minimum pressure of the mains must be 2.0 bar so that the vessel can be set to 1.5 bar below (0.5 bar). If the vessel is set to 0 bar then the positive impact of the accumulator is negated.

Why is 2.0 bar the minimum pressure for AccuBoost accumulator installation?

An accumulator vessel is a pressurised vessel. To allow the incoming mains water to be able to force water into the vessel, the pressure within the vessel must be lower than the pressure of the incoming mains.

For AccuBoost accumulators, the pressure within the vessel should be 1.5 bar below the pressure of the incoming mains. This size of pressure difference ensures that the incoming mains can fill the vessel and that there is enough pressure to force the water out of the vessel and to the outlet.

In AccuBoost accumulator installations, the minimum pressure of the mains must be 2.0 bar so that the vessel can be set to 1.5 bar below (0.5 bar). If the vessel is set to 0 bar then the positive impact of the accumulator is negated.

How do I check the pre-charge pressure of an accumulator vessel?

If you’re following on from our FAQ ‘Why is the pump on the accumulator running on/won’t turn off?’, you need to open the isolation valves on the outlet hoses and the tank connector hose before carrying out these steps.

To check the pre-charge pressure, first drain the tank, then close the inlet.

Next open all outlets in the property until no more water is comes out or it trickles out. Remove the black cap on the top of the vessel, revealing the Schrader valve. Place a pump with a pressure gauge, such as a bicycle pump, on the Schrader valve and check the pressure. If the pressure is less than 1.5 bar, increase it to 1.5 bar using the pump. If it is already 1.5 bar, contact Salamander Pumps.

What is an accumulator tank?

An accumulator tank stores water under pressure to provide an excellent solution for properties requiring additional boost to mains water flow and pressure


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How to Install the AccuBoost Accumulator Vessel

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